Training room of the Western Greece Region in Patra

SYNTHIA XYLO series seats with antipanic tablet were placed in a training room of the Former Agricultural School of Patra as part of the equipment for the configuration of training spaces for agri-food creative sector businesses of the Western Greece Region.

Municipal Theater of Kalloni

SYNTHIA XYLO series seats have been placed to Municipal Theater of Kalloni of Municipaliti of West Lesvos, Lesbos island, Greece.

Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas

SYNTHIA XYLO series seats with antipanic tablet have been placed at the new bulding of the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas that houses the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA), Heraklion -Crete, Greece.

Cyprus Cooperative Bank

SYNTHIA XYLO with antipanic tablet have been placed at the Cyprus Cooperative Bank. Twenty seats have custom modulation in order to house cables and translation devices.

Thessaloniki Concert Hall

SYNTHIA XYLO series seats with perforated leg for air conditioned air supply at Thessaloniki Concert Hall, Greece.